Straight and Sleek: 5 Hair Straightening Techniques

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Brazilian straightening does use the chemical formaldehyde, which makes it unappealing to some. However, the amount of formaldehyde is very small, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has no restrictions on using formaldehyde in cosmetics or beauty treatments.

A Brazilian straightening process will take 2-4 hours and cost $150 or more.

5. Japanese Straightening

Japanese straightening was at the height of popularity a few years ago because of its permanent results. Until curly hair grows in, the hair that is straightened using the Japanese technique stays straight for most people no matter how often it is washed or styled. It is, however, a chemical process and therefore very damaging. People who have undergone multiple Japanese straightening sessions report hair breaking off, drying out and falling out. It is also very expensive and time consuming. A typical treatment can cost $500 or more and take 4-6 hours.

If your hair is strong and thick and less prone to damage, Japanese straightening could be a good candidate for you. There is definitely something very appealing about the permanence of the results. After the process, you can wash your hair in the morning, let it air dry and it will still be straight! This is nothing short of a miracle for some women.