5 Ways to Make Your Boobs Look Better…In Clothes!

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The Right Cleavage: 3D Cosmetics

Just as makeup can enhance your facial features by, say, giving you the impression of higher cheekbones, cosmetics can enhance your breasts by accentuating your cleavage.

Shimmery bronzers, celebrity makeup artist Joanna Schlip told Cosmopolitan, create a fresh, glowing look that can enhance your cleavage. Apply it lightly between and along the tops of your breasts.

Meredith Baraf, Victoria’s Secret makeup artist, recommended to Women’s Health applying spray bronzer in an “M” shape following the curvature of your breasts. "The tan will be slightly darker, adding contour that gives the illusion of fuller cleavage," Baraf says.

The Right Look: Necklines and Color

How well you look up top has everything to do with what you’re wearing topside.

If you’d prefer to hide the fact that you’re well-endowed, or simply want to minimize it, go with dark colors on top and brighter colors that will draw the eye below.[relatedarticles}

Ariana Finlayson, associate editor at RealBeauty.com, says, “By sporting darker colors on your ‘problem areas,’ you'll bring attention to the asset that you feel best about.” A little decoration goes a long way, as well. A well-placed necklace that either hugs the curve of a low-cut shirt or even falls down between your breasts can really play up your décolletage.