Product Review: Mascara

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Waterproof Mascaras

Sometimes, waterproof mascara is a necessary evil. You may only need waterproof mascara for a jaunt to the pool, but some people, like female athletes, need it on a regular basis. For those with year-round allergies, waterproof mascara is probably your safest bet, lest you get caught with trademark black lines streaming down your face after your 10th sneeze in an hour.

There are a few things you should look for with waterproof mascara, which can be especially resilient to eye makeup remover and prone to flaking. To avoid these mishaps, look for waterproof mascara that has a wax blend and is resin-free and hypoallergenic. Check to see if the brand you're interested in has been tested by an eye doctor.

For Trouble-Free Waterproof Coverage, Try: Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof Mascara

Touted on the cosmetic company's website as "America's No. 1 mascara," this puppy won the 2007 Best Waterproof Mascara Award from InStyle. Its formula is meant to double lashes as you smooth it on, which provides a full look that is strikingly free of troublesome clumps. This mascara is safe for you contact lenses wearers out there, and it's hypoallergenic.

Curling Mascaras

When looking for curling mascara, the brush you choose is just as important as the brand. The brush's curved shape helps cover the whole lash when you apply the mascara. Be sure to use some firmness to best fit the brush between your lashes. If your lashes are straight or don't have much shape, a curling mascara may help provide the presence you want, minus that scary eyelash-curling contraption. Look for a mascara formula that's not too thick - since the brush goes between each strand of lashes, you don't want to increase your risk for clumping now, do you?