How Does Exercise Benefit Your Brain?

Keeping up with a regular fitness routine gives you a chance to burn off excess calories, get in shape and boost your metabolism. Working out can also help you stay on track with your healthy eating plan, giving you some motivation to keep up with a healthy lifestyle and ward off extra pounds. But did you know that exercise can also give your brain a boost? Experts say workouts that increase the heart rate, speed up circulation and release endorphins - your body's natural painkillers - can help you think more clearly, recharge your creativity and put you in a good mood.

How Exercise Recharges the Brain

Your day-to-day routine doesn't provide much of a challenge for the brain, which means you're just firing the same neurons over and over again as you get through your day. Adding exercise to your daily routine and trying out new activities gives your brain a chance to fire up an entirely new set of neurons and even exercises a different part of your brain. This is a great "recharge" for your brain and your body, helping boost brainpower, improving memory, and even making it easier for you to learn and synthesize new information.

Key benefits of exercise for the brain include:

  • Reduction of depression
  • Creation of new neurons
  • Increased serotonin production ("feel-good" hormone)
  • Improved nervous system functioning
  • Better memory
  • Improved learning abilities