The Hollywood Trainer: 7 Steps to a Star-Studded Body

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It's Good to Be Queen
Just like the average Jane, her celebrity clients aren't immune to the effects of stress and negativity, especially living in the limelight. While a focus on diet and fitness is essential, there's also a need for emotional balance, a factor that weighs heavily in The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan.

According to Jeanette, one of the things that enabled Queen Latifah to change on the outside was her ability to work on the inside as well. Her spirituality played a key role in keeping her on the up and up and helping her shed more than 30 pounds in six weeks. In seeing what worked for her trainees, Jeanette was able to package a well-balanced program that could benefit just about anyone.

In order to help readers overhaul their physical image, Jeanette created a 7-point plan to successfully complete the 21-day program, shed their extra fat and keep it off for good. Her principles for a properly-executed plan include...

Accept change. Be open minded to doing things differently and getting new results. Take responsibility for your present condition and understand you're not a victim of your past. This will enable you to shape your future.

Make the Mind-Body-Spirit Connection. Too often Jeanette has clients who rush through life. They're not thinking mindfully when it's time to eat or focused on what they have to do next. They have the "get in where you fit in" mentality. With the mind-body-spirit connection, people learn to be mindful when it comes to their health. It's not just about eating healthy and working out. It's also about having a positive mindset and perspective on life.

You Have To Move It To Lose It. Find ways to incorporate physical activity into your life. Wake up 30 minutes earlier to do some cardio. Make small changes and structure them to make working out fun.

You Are What You Eat. Eating healthy doesn't have to be bland. There are 87 recipes with The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan. Make the right choices and educate yourself about the nutrients in whole foods that benefit the body.