Is Your Weight Destroying Your Relationship?

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Eileen, who was in tip-top health and in training for a marathon, criticized Jack's unhealthy methods of weight management. Jack was envious of what he perceived as Eileen's effortless accomplishment of maintaining a fit build. Often, he'd sabotage her efforts by planning impromptu movie dates at times when he knew she normally went to the gym. Eileen became frustrated. It seemed as though Jack was transferring his own lack of self-esteem-and self-discipline directly onto her.

The relevance of food during courtship

Sociologists agree -- the provision and sharing of food is an important part of pair-bonding necessary to ensure the perpetuation of the species. When we feed each other, it's not just a sign of love; we are performing a ritual that we've been biologically programmed to do ever since the first sentient homosapien clubbed a wooly mammoth and drug it back to the cave for the woman in his life to prepare.

Male birds gather worms to feed the woman in their lives so she can keep eggs warm in the family nest. Female lions stalk and kill prey and haul it back to the pride for her mate's consumption. Human courtship usually doesn't begin on the tennis court or jogging trail; it starts in romantic restaurants and in movie theaters over shared tubs of popcorn.