Is Your Weight Destroying Your Relationship?

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But when one person is trying to lose weight, a favorite restaurant becomes a den of temptation. Bonding over a pint of ice cream while watching television seems just as sinister. The significant other of a person who's embarked on a new weight-loss program often doesn't understand that the couple's routines must change profoundly, and this might mean giving up some of the habits acquired during courtship, even those designed to show thoughtfulness.

Inside the mind of the overweight significant other

From a psychological perspective, self-esteem is intrinsically tied to body image as it is currently defined by culture. Jim and Eileen love the significant others in their lives, weight and body size notwithstanding. But to those who carry the burden of extra weight, such unconditional love seems impossible.

Their fit counterparts might not grasp when they commit smaller peccadilloes that seem like a direct attempt to sabotage or undermine their efforts. Jim, for example, doesn't understand that squiring Jenny to their favorite Italian food restaurant is like dragging a recovering alcoholic to a bar and expecting them to make pleasant conversation in an environment where temptation is rife and often overwhelming.