How to Get the Most out of Couples' Therapy

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Make the effort. Don't leave your relationship in the hands of a third party. The therapist is there to facilitate the discussions, not have them for you or tell you what to do. You'll need to talk, and you'll need to listen. One person pouring out his or her heart while the other stares out the window isn't going to get anything accomplished. Be honest. Telling the truth takes courage sometimes, so be brave as well. The only way to know if your relationship will survive the truth is to tell it. Sometimes couples in therapy are given "homework" – things that they need to be doing to see if it helps the relationship. Be willing to do those things and offer an honest assessment as to how they worked. Finally, timing is everything. Couples should consider therapy at the first sign of trouble, not at the brink of divorce. And give therapy time to work – one session isn't going to cure the ills that brought you to therapy in the first place.