Is Your Chemistry Meter Broken?

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 Go By What a Man Does 

How many hours and energy have you spent trying to come up with a reason for why a man doesn't follow up?  Well, there doesn't have to be a reason. Trying to read a man is a useless thing. Men are pretty simple: they're either into you, or they're not. 

You will save yourself so much pain and anxiety if you stop the detective work and instead become an observer – of what a man actually does. If a man likes you, he is supposed to call you and ask you out. If he likes you, he will follow up with you and keep asking you out. It's really as simple as that. 

Attach no meaning to the fact that you feel all this chemistry with a man unless he's actually showing you with his actions that he's moving things forward. And, so you don't lose your mind while you're doing that, there's something incredibly powerful you should know about... 

Expand Your Idea of Dating 

An effective way to correct your chemistry meter is to do what I call Circular Dating. This means you date more than one man at a time until you have the commitment you want from the man who is right for you. And you do this by going out with guys you're not necessarily attracted to but who are doing what they're supposed to be doing – that is: calling you, following up with you, and asking you out.