Getting a Natural Look with Makeup

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Everyone has features they love and features they want to hide with makeup. The first step in creating a natural look with makeup is identifying those areas on your face. This is especially true when looking for foundations and concealers that help even out your skin tone and give your face a smooth and fresh appearance.

For the best results, you'll want to start with a clean palate. Be sure to gently wash your face, remove old makeup and apply your toner and moisturizer before you begin applying your makeup.

Creating a natural look with makeup really starts from the inside out. Keeping your skin healthy and protecting it from sun damage means it will require less makeup and give you the confidence to put your best face forward.

Applying sunscreen a good 20 minutes before you put makeup on is critical because it allows the skin to absorb the sunscreen's agents and will protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays. Many women opt for foundations and daily moisturizers that contain an SPF of 15 or higher.

Achieving a healthy, youthful face means starting with a solid foundation to smooth and even your skin tone and create a fresh canvas for the rest of your makeup. Foundations come in liquid, cream, and powder forms and are available in a wide array of skin tones. It's important to choose a foundation that isn't too thick or matte, as this can create a caked-on appearance (pancake face); especially when the makeup starts to settle and your skin's natural oils come into play.