New Hue? Tweak Makeup to Match a New Hair Color

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Luring Lips…

Just like your cheeks, your lip color should be simple to allow the attention to your face to lead up into your eyes and end at your beautiful new hair color. A lightly tinted lip gloss will give a light shimmer to your lips without drawing too much attention from your other features.

It’s More than Color that’s Changing

Changing your hair color can change your overall color style, if you’ve been stuck in a one-color mode. Once you’ve made the switch from blonde to black or brunette to redhead you get to experiment with new fashion options, too. Your hair color should be complemented by your makeup as well as your clothing! If you’ve ever thought a certain clothing color just didn’t look good on you, give it another shot with your new hair color - you may find it’s a great fit for your new ‘do!

A new shade of hair can also mean new hairstyle options. If you added highlights have some fun seeing how different styles let you accent those tints. Some styles like adding curls or waves can help bring out natural highlights as well, which can help add glow and tune the vibrancy of your new makeup shades.

You’ve taken the plunge and changed up your hair color - now don’t be afraid to have some fun with your makeup colors, too!