The Hollywood Trainer: 7 Steps to a Star-Studded Body

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Educate Yourself. With Jeanette's program, there is a fitness and nutrition tip every day. It's not only important to engage in healthy behaviors, but also to realize why you're doing them in order to stay motivated. Once people discover the benefits of their actions, they'll be more inclined to take the proper steps to get healthy.

Commit and Be Consistent. You have to stay committed to the course. Even if you mess up one day, you'll still get through it. You have to get back on track and remain dedicated. It's okay to have a bad day, but don't give up. Come back to the plan.

Create A Supportive Environment. Get all of the toxins out of your environment. If you're around people who constantly put you down, stop fighting them and find a way not to give them as much of your time. Surround yourself with people who lift you up. You don't want to fight negative people constantly.

Take It Day By Day
In The Hollywood Trainer Weight Loss Plan, diet, fitness and motivation are all components in the 21-day program. Instead of combining each element into one section, it's divided into days, which means you can get started without having to read the whole book. Instead of slogging through the nutrition and exercise information, just get with the plan. Follow day 1, and when you have more time you can go back and read the corresponding information.

"For example, with day one, there's a tip on hydration," Jeanette explains. "If you want to read more about water, you can read the corresponding section on water. I've noticed over the years, you can't overwhelm people with too much at one time. They're only going to take in so much. Give them a little sprinkle of education each time they visit. If they want more information, they can pick it up in their spare time. Those who don't will leave with the one tip."

21 Days To A Brand-New You
If you're looking for a weight-loss program that you can follow with ease, The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan is cake. Each day offers Today's Affirmation, Today's Food and Today's Workout. Within each chapter there are tips to help you integrate Jeanette's seven steps for success into your everyday life.