The Hollywood Trainer: 7 Steps to a Star-Studded Body

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With recipes like Honey-Mustard Lamb Chops, Cinnamon Berry French Toast, Asian Chicken Stir-Fry and Smoked Salmon with a "Schmear," you'll consume a high-fiber diet based on whole, unprocessed foods. The meal plan is chock-full of fruits, vegetables and whole grains so that followers get their supply of essential nutrients.

While the book includes detailed strength-training exercises complete with /images, The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan is accompanied by a DVD that has four workouts led by Jeanette- Chest, Tri's and Booty; Back, Bi's and Thighs; Core; and Flexibility. If you're one of those people who need step-by-step guidance when working out, you'll have it with The Hollywood Trainer Weight Loss Plan DVD.

The Hollywood Trainer Keeps It Real
When it comes to results, the proof is in the pudding. Jeanette points to Queen Latifah's amazing transformation and incredible success sticking to the plan. And unlike other diet programs, Jeanette's plan keeps the goal realistic.

"Her weight loss was so quick and so noticeable. It was around Oscar time, so people noticed it right off the bat. She's been able to maintain that loss over the years. That's very difficult for many people. They might lose weight but then go back to bad habits. She's been able to stay healthy and not feel pressured to change herself. She doesn't even try. She loves herself for who she is and she lets women know it's OK to be who you are. It's OK not to be a size 4. You can have a goal of being healthy."

To learn more about The Hollywood Trainer Weight-Loss Plan,click here or visit Jeanette at www.thehollywoodtrainer.com.