Skip the Soda: 10 Healthy Drinks to Sip Instead

Quit Your Favorite Colas 

Prepare to go cold turkey. Believe it or not, it's best to cut the soda out completely instead of switching to a diet brand. The good news is you don't have to deprive yourself, either. Here are 10 healthy soda replacements to quench your thirst and keep your taste buds happy: 

1. Iced tea. It's cold, it's flavorful and if you get it unsweetened, you can control the kind and amount of sweetener in your drink. Iced tea is a perfect soda replacement at restaurants, and it's quick, easy and affordable. Simply boil some water, steep a few tea bags for several minutes, squeeze in a little lemon and refrigerate. 

2. Fruit juice mixed with seltzer. Some fruit juices are loaded with as much sugar as sodas, so avoid them on their own. But if you're craving some carbonated fizz, add just a splash of fruit juice to a glass of seltzer for the taste and experience. 

3. Fresh fruit juice. Take your juice game a step further and cut out the middleman by squeezing your own juice. You'll get all the health benefits of a serving of fruit without the added sugars and preservatives. Invest in a juicer to max out the health impact by adding kale and other greens and vegetables into your juice rotation.