Skip the Soda: 10 Healthy Drinks to Sip Instead

4. Iced coffee. We're not talking about the syrup-flavored kind that your favorite barista makes you. We mean freshly brewed coffee on ice, with maybe a little bit of sugar and low-fat milk for those who can't tolerate it black. Iced coffee is a healthier option if you look to soda for your caffeine fix. 

5. Infused water. Let's face it: Water is bland. If you can't get over the hump of replacing soda with plain water, kick your H20 up a notch. Keep a pitcher in the fridge with slices of citrus, some mint sprigs, berries or other fruits and fresh herbs for a surprisingly refreshing drink. 

6. Coconut water. It's an acquired taste for some, but if you try it and like it, you'll have a replacement for soda and sports drinks. A serving of coconut water has plenty of potassium and is loaded with electrolytes without mounds of sugar or calories. Just avoid coconut water with added sugar. 

7. Kombucha. This exotic-sounding drink is basically fermented tea, and it's loaded with B vitamins and probiotics that are good for your gut. It's a far healthier drink alternative to soda. 

8. Lemonade. It's a quintessential summertime sipper, and like iced tea, is easily found in restaurants as a soda replacement (just be mindful that some commercial lemonades are packed with sugar). Making your own at home is super-simple: Squeeze some lemons, dilute with water and add a little sweetener to balance it out. You control the sweetness, which can cut down on your calorie intake drastically.