Make Girls' Night Out Fun, Not Frenetic

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Is it ever possible to go out with the girls and not give the night up completely to drama and annoyances? A GNO can turn into a real downer when things don't go according to plan. It's OK to be spontaneous, but when planning ladies' night, be sure to follow a few rules that minimize drama and maximize fun. First, be cognizant of everyone's expectations and limitations. Will your group want to do the usual dinner-and-drinks evening or branch out and try something new, like an art festival or pottery painting session? If some of the group are on limited budgets, then maybe they'd feel more comfortable doing something economical, like a potluck at someone's house or attending a free concert. Avoid that icky moment after the server delivers the bill by lessening the pressure right off the bat. Be inclusive in who you invite - adopt a "the more, the merrier" point of view about girls' night.