5 Things to Consider When Handling Kris Kringle Questions

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Virginia, there really is a Santa Claus -- or is there? It's the question that no parents want to address, especially when it's coming from an inquisitive little one. Like the birds and the bees conversation, this is likely one of those conversations you want to be prepared for well in advance. The first question you'll likely want to ask yourself is if you're ready to give up the dream. As a parent, you'll know when it's the right time for the big reveal.

It's important that you don't let other parents sway you one way or the other. Prior to deciding how you're going to handle the situation, you should always make it a joint decision with your partner. You should be in agreement beforehand as to how you're going address the situation. If you want to continue to play Santa with any younger siblings, this is a conversation you'll want to have far away from those little ears. If you have let the cat out of the bag with older children, be firm and clear that they are not to ruin it for the younger children -- related or unrelated.