5 Things to Consider When Handling Kris Kringle Questions

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So once you've decided to cop to the truth, the next step is deciding exactly what you're going to say. Find a quiet time where it's just you and your child. Have your child tell you what the Christmas holiday means to him. Once he's finished, explain to your child the history of St. Nicholas, the real figure from 200 AD.

Turn it into a game by using the lines from Santa Claus is Coming to Town. Explain that "he sees you when you're sleeping. He knows when you're awake. He knows if you've been bad or good..." Then ask your child who would know all of those things. Of course, he'll eventually realize it's his loving parents. If your child feels sad, promise that you'll continue on the holiday family traditions you've always had, only know he's becoming more grown-up and is privy to one of the world's best-kept secrets.