How to Advise Your Tween About Gossip

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Help your child understand the motives of gossip - jealousy, peer pressure, popularity and just plain meanness. Teach her how to deal with those feelings when they arise so that she can head off a gossip session. Some kids use gossip as a pre-emptive strike or as a way to get the heat off of them if they're the subject of rumors. Explain that this tactic is wrong to your child and may make an enemy or two. Let her know that if she's caught gossiping, then the cost may be a friendship - not being forgiven is a real possibility. If you believe your daughter is a "mean girl," then it may be a good idea to monitor her online activity and cell phone, if she has one. Talk to her about why she's gossiping. If you keep the lines of communication open, then she may come to you before she even reaches "mean girl" status.