Basics of Crystal Healing

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CALCITE, CLEAR: (Also known as Optical Calcite, White Calcite, and Iceland Spar) Use at the 7th Chakra (Crown Chakra) for intensifying visual imagery during meditation, astral travel, dreaming, and shamanic journeying, to heal the eyes, to reveal the veiled meaning in a situation, to relieve headache tension, to cleanse the aura, to cleanse oneself and one's environment of negative energies, to increase vitality, to quicken one's spiritual development, to increase awareness, to facilitate intuitive visions and psychic powers, to aid in channeling, to encourage motivation and dispel laziness, to stimulate the memory, to heal damaged tissues in the body, to boost the immune system, and to remove warts and other skin blemishes such as acne. PLEASE NOTE: This stone is only known as Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar when it is held up to /images and creates a double-refracted image.

CALCITE, ORANGE: Use at the 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra) to cleanse the aura, to boost one's energy, to cleanse and detoxify the physical body, to banish depression, to heal the reproductive system, to cleanse oneself and one's environment of negative energies, to increase vitality, to quicken one's spiritual development, to increase awareness, to facilitate intuitive visions and psychic powers, to aid in channeling, to encourage motivation and dispel laziness, to stimulate the memory, to heal damaged tissues in the body, to boost the immune system, and to remove warts and other skin blemishes such as acne.

CARNELIAN: (Also known as Carnelian Agate) Use at the 1st Chakra (Base Chakra/Root Chakra), 2nd Chakra (Sacral Chakra/Spleenic Chakra), or 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for grounding, to increase motivation, to increase vitality, to cleanse other stones, for protection of those who are crossing over, to stimulate success in business endeavors, to aid in overcoming negative thought patterns, to help improve concentration, for peace and calming, to banish negativity, to help heal lower back problems and remove pain, to quicken the healing of bones, and to increase blood circulation.

CHALCEDONY, BLUE: Use at the 5th Chakra (Throat Chakra) for enhancing group cooperation, to aid in telepathy, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, to enhance generosity by oneself or by others, to bring joy to any situation, to increase self confidence, to enhance enthusiasm, to stifle bad dreams, to cleanse wounds, to dispel dementia, and to regulate circulation.

CHRYSOPRASE: Use at the 4th Chakra (Heart Chakra) for encouraging hopeful attitudes, to assist in receiving truthfulness, to fuel creativity in artistic endeavors, to energize the physical body, to encourage one to become more outgoing and to take risks, to bring virtue into practice in daily life, to dispel judgmental attitudes from the self and from others, to aid in forgiveness and compassion, to help one to communicate in a positive and encouraging matter and to enable one to give constructive criticism, to prevent bad dreams and to encourage restful sleep, to encourage self reliance, to relieve symptoms of gout, to heal the eyes, to absorb and assimilate Vitamin C, and to relieve stress-related stomach discomfort.