6 Signs He's a Jerk

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Love is blind, which could explain why so many women settle for jerks. Jerks with a capital J, the kind of guys your mom and dad warned you about. That's right. We said it. Consider this your official jerk alert. 

Not sure your man if your man fits the bill? Well, we have recruited Dr. Diana Kirshner, psychologist and bestselling author of Love in 90 Days, to identify all kinds of jerks who will make your love life hell. If anybody knows the formula for a lasting relationship, it's Dr. Kirshner. The feisty love guru created the 90-Day Love Challenge on the Fox Morning Show and has appeared on Oprah, Good Morning America, Nightline and Access Hollywood to share her valuable insight. In her latest offering, Find Your Soulmate Online in 6 Simple Steps, Dr. Kirshner sets straight those women who have been looking for love in all the wrong places. 

But before you send out an SOS for a good man, it's essential to acknowledge what you are NOT looking for – and that's another dead-end relationship with a guy who's no good. Dr. Kirshner refers to these guys as DUDs – definitely unworkable dudes.