6 Signs He's a Jerk

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Here's a guy who is always looking out for number one. No matter the situation, he always brings it back to himself. Think about this – does he ever ask you about yourself? Does he show an interest in you and the things you do? Or is it all about him 24/7/365? More than likely, you will always come in second to the narcissist. You will probably spend a great deal of time listening to him boast about his virtues – from good looks to great pay. 

While it may sound like a major turn-off, a German study actually found that women are attracted to men with high levels of narcissism. Yep, girls love guys who love themselves. Research indicates that those guys who have a high self-opinion, along with a healthy dose of entitlement, are more likely to get the girl. 

Michael Dufner, lead researcher of the study, explained, "Narcissism is linked to mate appeal in a real-life situation. We focused on narcissism as a personality trait, not the personality disorder. This means that everybody has a certain narcissism level -- for some it is higher, for others, lower." 

Stick with a narcissist and prepare to come in last constantly. It always has been – and always will be – all about him.