6 Signs He's a Jerk

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4. The Ogler – Nothing feeds insecurity like the wandering eye. We are talking about those guys who are constantly rubbernecking every time an attractive member of the opposite sex walks by. For some guys, it doesn't stop there. They actually engage other gals...all the while you are sitting right there.


It's the ultimate show of disrespect. When you're in a relationship, a guy should make you feel like you're not just the most important girl in the room, but the most important girl in the world. By openly engaging other women, it not only makes you feel as if you aren't enough, but it also plays on your insecurities. Plus, you also start to wonder whether or not he is unfaithful. Based on what he does in front of your face, you are often left asking what he is doing behind your back. 

Also consider why a guy would do this right in front of you. Does he require the extra attention to feel good about himself? Does it boost his self-esteem? At the end of the day, his flirtation is likely a sign of bigger issues.