10 Economical Ways to Have Fun

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For those who are interested in something a little less strenuous, visit a local park for a casual stroll or head downtown to take a leisurely walking tour of your city. Focus on conversation and the joy of discovering something new together, whether it's a type of wildlife, a street performer or a cool mural painted by local artists.

2. Learn About Where Your Food Comes From

As more Americans lose touch with the land, children are left with little understanding of the process by which they get food. Ask them where an egg comes from and they'll point to a plastic carton. Inquire about the origins of an apple and they'll probably say "the store."

But kids enjoy soaking up new sights, sounds and smells. A trip to the local farm, community garden or farmer's market is a cheap-or free-way to pass a few hours on a Saturday afternoon and teach some important lessons about the local food chain. Ask a farmer, gardener or vendor if your child can have a hands-on experience-milking a cow, petting a goat, picking a tomato, tasting a new variety of apple, and so on. There's a good chance that they'll appreciate your interest and say yes!