Telling it Like it Is About Tattling

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He's telling you, "Look, I know the rules, and Brother broke them!" Of course, that doesn't make it any less annoying for the parent who has to deal with the snitching, but it's important to acknowledge the child's grasp of right and wrong. And then there's that senseless kind of telling that doesn't seem to accomplish anything - "The baby threw her bottle on the floor again!" and the like. This type of tattling may indicate jealousy, competition or in younger kids, exhaustion. A toddler might snitch because he's feeling overwhelmed and can't articulate those feelings effectively. Redirecting the child's attention to a quieter activity may alleviate the situation. Jealousy and competition can be remedied by giving the tattler a little attention, perhaps a hug, then telling the children to work it out among themselves. While you don't want to reward tattling, you do want to encourage that independence while still being available for your child.