Learn About Hair Products

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Some women claim to notice a distinct difference between salon and store brand products, and cannot be swayed. They may mentally associate the packaging, scent and other properties of their favorite high-priced brand with positive results. Or they simply have not tried comparable lower-priced hair care products, or have tried brands that did not work for their hair type.

If a hair care product works for you and you can afford it, there really isn't a need to switch. However, if your budget calls for cutbacks and salon hair care products end up on the chopping block, don't freak out. It's very likely you can find lower-cost replacements that are more than acceptable.


The act of washing dirt and oils out of your hair should be so simple, but the gazillion shampoos to choose from can make it very complicated. You can eliminate a good number of these candidates by deciding which type of shampoo you really need. First, evaluate your hair type by pinpointing its basic traits. Is it curly? Color treated? Thin? While some shampoos don't specify what hair types they cater to, most do. This matters because shampoos vary in their ingredients, and while they may not give the results their commercials claim, they do make a difference. If you have dry or color-treated hair and wash it daily using a shampoo with strong surfactants meant for oily hair, you risk stripping and damaging your hair.

It might be a good idea to buy more than one shampoo and alternate between them. Shampoo can lose its effectiveness after a time, and switching back and forth occasionally can give your hair a fresh shot of energy. If you use a lot of hair products or a volumizing shampoo (which can also leave behind a build-up), it might be a good idea to choose a clarifying shampoo as your alternate. It will remove old styling products that can make your hair dull.