Makeup at the Gym: What’s Hot, What’s Not

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Too much makeup can cause breakouts and that’s a big problem. You’re working up a sweat, and that opens up your pores (which is good!) but you’ll only irritate and aggravate your skin if those pores open and immediately get clogged with dirt, oil, makeup, and any other grodiness.

Beware the “hypoallergenic” label because it doesn’t necessarily mean that one sort of makeup or another will or won’t be any better for your skin while working out. Back in 2000, the FDA stated that, “there are no Federal standards or definitions that govern the use of the term ‘hypoallergenic.’ The term means whatever a particular company wants it to mean.

In addition, the FDA had already said decades earlier, “by and large, the basic ingredients in so-called ‘hypoallergenic’ cosmetics are the same as those used in other cosmetics sold for the same purposes.”

So when you decide to apply makeup before your workout, just remember that there’s no blemish-proof formula. To protect your skin, it’s most important to just go easy on heavily applied makeup and any excessive tugging.


To cover up dark spots or minor discolorations, skip the foundation. Foundation can cake, crinkle, and run as you start to sweat. Instead, look for a tinted moisturizer. This is doubly beneficial since you’ll be moisturizing as you color.