Makeup at the Gym: What’s Hot, What’s Not

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There’s more to good gym makeup than avoiding raccoon eyes, but we’d forgive you if that’s your biggest worry. Copious running eye makeup may work for pop superstar Ke$ha, but at the gym, it’s a deal-breaker.

Obviously, you’re going for waterproof mascara - that’s a given - but when you wear it to the gym, you really have to put your quantity in check. Waterproof mascara might not run, but it can still clump and smear when you wipe your sweaty forehead. One or two swipes will do the job!

Of course, depending on the length of your lashes, you might be able to skip the mascara altogether: try an eyelash curler to give your batting a little more body.

The same rule goes for eyeliner: think waterproof and minimal. Use eye shadow at your own risk - not only do you risk caking and smearing, but as the makeup mixes with sweat, it’s really going to grind into the thin folds of your eyelids as you exercise. We say: skip it, and put it on after your workout.


A delicate application of cheek stain can give you a darling blush. As for blush itself, take note: powdered blush can smear right off your face, while cheek stain will last longer, and resist smearing better.